Business Expansion & Retention Assistance

Starting a Business

Platte County business owners of all sizes agree—our area is truly a business-friendly environment. One of the PCEDC’s primary purposes is to provide new businesses with the resources, statistics, real estate facts and incentives, job training and other information they need to know before they open their doors—or even purchase land.

Many useful downloadable documents and web resources are available for those desiring to open a business in our area. We’ve listed several below, but feel free to contact the PCEDC if you need further assistance. Remember, we’re here to do all we can to help you write your success story.

General Business Start Up Information

Every business owner planning to open in Platte County should have a copy of a useful how-to guide called “Starting A Business in Missouri.” You can download a free PDF copy here.

Business Costs

Frequently, potential Platte County businesses want to know about incentives offered by Platte County and by the state which can actually lower business costs. We invite you to consult the incentive overview on this website. To view the most comprehensive list and explanations of incentives, visit their website


While Platte County EDC stands ready to serve as your first resource for questions about doing business in Platte County, there are numerous other valuable resources that may be helpful, including:

The Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation provides entrepreneurial development for all stages of business people from beginners to those looking to expand an existing business. Its FastTrac program is a hands-on business development program.

Visit their website

KC Source Link is one of the first stops when starting a business or when considering expansion. It serves as a single source of information for places & programs that can assist business owners.

Visit their website

The Small Business and Technology Development Center’s focus is to guide and assist small business with their start-up and continuation processes.

Visit their website

Missouri’s Business Assistance Center’s comprehensive website includes information on planning, permitting, financing and many other topics.

Visit their website

Missouri Technology Funding is divided into these programs: Grow Missouri Loan and Missouri Technology Corporation’s “IDEA Funds”

Grow Missouri Loan: The State dedicated $10 million of the State Small Business Credit Initiative (SSBCI) funding to this program. Grow MO supports the growth and formation of for-profit “primary” businesses which mostly sell/compete outside the local market area. Up to $3 million loans to businesses with fewer than 500 employees to help attract new enterprises and expand existing companies.

The IDEA Funds stands for Innovation, Development and Entrepreneurial Advancement for high-tech companies. $16.9 million of the state’s SSBCI is dedicated to the fund.

The Heartland Business Capital Small Business Administration (SBA) 504 loan is a great financing product to help small businesses expand and grow. It is designed for owner-occupied real estate projects. or is your best source for local information regarding permitting and business licenses.