PCEDC Overview

The Platte County Economic Development Council (PCEDC) was incorporated on June 20, 1988 as a nonprofit organization to promote economic development in Platte County, Missouri. It began as a partnership between public and private sectors with 61 members, but has now grown to more than 100 members from over a dozen sectors.

Platte County is rich with people who love where they live and work—people who are willing to invest both time and money to see their county thrive. In return, they’ve been able to succeed by helping build strong, viable companies and a secure, comfortable way of life. The PCEDC has encouraged those success stories for more than 30 years and continues to do so today.

Our Mission

The mission of the PCEDC is to promote, enhance and grow economic development in Platte County, Missouri. In so doing, we strive to improve the business sector, the environment and the quality of life in our community. The mission of our organization is represented in our plan of work. The strategies of PCEDC are:

  • Strengthen the Organization
  • Grow the Business Base in Platte County through Attraction, Retention, and Expansion
  • Establish the Platte County Workforce Development Alliance
  • Community Development

These strategies are mapped out in detail in our 2023-2026 Strategic PlanWe understand the need to measure our success and we track our results every year. To view our current strategic plan, the previous strategic plan with results or our most recent Annual Report.

To view our current and previous plans plans or reports, click below.

2023 Annual Report
2023-2026 Strategic Plan
2024 Labor Report

Our Contributions

To date, PCEDC contributions to the economic health of Platte County include the following growth:

  • 51% increase in employment between 1990-2018 (Q1)
  • 63% increase in industry establishments between 1989-2018 (Q1)
  • 79% increase in salary and wages between 1998-2018 (Q1)
  • Property valuations rose from $612.9 million in 1990 to nearly $2.6 billion in 2017
  • Retail sales leaped from $321 million in 1990 to over $2 billion in 2017