New Kansas City International Airport Terminal – NOW OPEN!

The Platte County EDC has always understood KCI’s impact on our county, region and greater area. We have worked on the opportunity for “A Better KCI” since 2013 which culminated in the board’s position of support for a single, new terminal in 2016. Through a collaborative effort, the Platte County EDC worked hard to get the issue on a November 2017 ballot for Kansas City voters.

The Northland KCI team did more than 40 presentations, most of which resulted in an endorsement. Platte County suburbs stepped up in a huge way by endorsing the project and Platte County businesses encouraged employees who were KCMO voters to vote YES.  There was complete understanding of what this project means to Platte County and the region.  We are proud of Platte County’s overwhelming YES response and were honored to co-lead the effort with the Northland Regional Chamber.

On February 28, 2023, the new 40-gate terminal at Kansas City International Aiport opened for commercial air service. At just over one million square feet and a budget of $1.5 billion, this new terminal is the largest single infrastructure project in the city’s history.

Planners strove to make the new terminal the most accessible airport terminal in the US with gradular slopes, a Variety KC inclusive play area, sensory and quiet rooms, infant feeding rooms, and service animal relief areas. Additionally, the Kansas City Air Travel Experience is a partial airliner adapted for individuals with anxiety or other conditions that may make them fearful of flying. Other amenitites include:

  • Two-level curbside drop-off and pickup-design separating vehicular traffic
  • Spacious Check-In Hall with airline check-in
  • Centralized security check area with 16 lanes including PreCheck and CLEAR kiosks
  • Two-sided concourses making airline connections much easier than in the old terminals
  • All-glass boarding bridges
  • Enhanced food and beverage options with a distinct and genuine sense of place, and global brand
  • Permanent and “rotating” barbecue restaurants
  • Centralized staffed customer service helpdesks
  • Entertainment performance areas
  • The largest One Percent for Art project in KC history by local and international artists
  • History installation
  • Military USO
  • Large international arrivals area
  • Premium lounges
  • Airfield views
  • Device charging stations, including wireless charging for phones
  • Gender-specific, all-gender, and family restrooms featuring stall availability lights
  • Garage features stall availability lighting, electric vehicle charging, speed ramps, and more
  • Lower-level arrivals area with private vehicle lanes, and separate commercial vehicle lanes
  • Wireless inductive charging for all-electric Economy Parking lot buses
To see the full press release, click here.