2020 CEO & Critical Conversations Luncheon

Allison SchultzNews

On Thursday, November 12, 2020, the Platte County Economic Development Council hosted the “2020 CEO & Critical Conversations Luncheon.” This event was hosted at Parkville’s National Golf Club of Kansas City, thank you for providing a wonderful space and lunch for this event. 

Those in attendance included representatives from the following sectors: IT, Advance Manufacturing, Logistics & Distribution, Financial Services, and Health Care. Also in attendance  were community leaders from KCMO City Council, Platte County Commission, School Superintendents, and PCEDC Board members. The PCEDC strongly believes in serving as the conduit for connecting (community) leaders. Our initiative, “CEO & Critical Conversations” is one of those opportunities to connect CEOs with community leaders.

During this luncheon, attendees discussed several subjects regarding COVID-19, unemployment, and infrastructure. Coronavirus has affected businesses in every sector. Platte County community leaders noted specific challenges such as adapting to a new work life. Additionally, the attendees discussed the adjustments and what their organization is doing to balance their employees, culture, and the rise of unemployment. While COVID-19 was a big topic discussed, attendees also addressed the workforce within their organizations and public transit issues.

The Platte County EDC would like to thank everyone who attended for providing superlative insight regarding the topics listed above. A big thank you to our sponsors Spire, FiveStar Lifestyle, and Metropolitan Community College| Maple Woods for making the event happen.