Workforce Solutions Roundtable Discusses Transportation

PCEDC StaffNews

October’s Workforce Solutions Roundtable attracted 31 HR staff from Platte County businesses. The meeting focused on public transportation issues for employers and the CEO & President, Robbie Makinen, of the KCATA participated in the discussion. Employers were able to share why the current public transit is not meeting their needs and provided employee numbers and shift times to help find a solution. Mr. Makinen provided insight on new transportation concepts the KCATA is currently working on and let the group know the KCI Corridor has been identified as a test pilot site for a new program. One of the new concepts mentioned is RideKC Freedom. Riders will soon be able to order public transit to go where they want and when they want using a new app-based service. The KCATA has been a great participant in our Workforce Solutions roundtable and recently added an additional stop, and worked closely with Harley-Davidson on transportation needs. The PCEDC will continue to work on public transportation solutions for our employers.
