Riverside, Missouri: A Growing Community
Being well positioned to capitalize on the economic opportunities coming out of the recent recession has been a great benefit for Riverside. From 2011 through 2015, economic development primarily meant industrial development in Horizons Business Park. In that time, Riverside saw the construction of more than 2.8 million square feet of new, class A industrial space with a value of more than $250 million. Most importantly, the construction of these buildings attracted companies from all over the world that now employ more than 2,700 workers. Although the pace of industrial development has slowed a bit, Riverside expects to construct an additional 500,000 square feet in the next year.
In 2014, residential development followed suit with new housing starts increasing sharply. From a low of 4 new housing starts in 2010, new housing starts has exceeded 25 in the last two years and is on pace to exceed 35 in 2016. As lots are filled in Montebella and Gatewoods subdivisions, new phases will be kicking off in late 2016. The City received exciting news recently that John and David Barth, developers of the Montebella subdivision, had completed the purchase of ground on the bluff across from the Red X. This prime 67 acre piece of residential ground, tentatively named Woodland Place will have 86 lots with beautiful views of downtown Kansas City. Infrastructure is planned to begin in the fall and lots will be available for development beginning in the spring of 2017.
With momentum in both the industrial and residential sectors continuing, the City has spent a great deal of time during the last year focusing efforts on redevelopment in the downtown corridor. A $2 million remodel and expansion of Eagle Animal Hospital followed construction of the City’s newest QuikTrip and the new headquarters facility for Corner Café. Most recently, the City has worked with property owners to create a new Community Improvement District (CID) centered on the intersection of Vivion Road and Gateway. Formed with the support of 80% of the property owners, the Riverside Gateway Crossing CID will focus its efforts on the economic development of underutilized property within the district. For more information on the latest development happenings in the City of Riverside, visit www.riversidemo.com